Key Financial Documents
The budget document is the annual financial plan for City operations for the period covering one fiscal year. The City of Gulf Breeze’s fiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. This plan describes the sources of revenues and how the funds will be spent during the year. The annual operating budget is the key document that describes the projects to be accomplished and the City’s financial status each year.
Organizational Structure of the Budget
The operations of the City are grouped into different funds. Within each fund are one or more departments. A department is an organizational unit which provides a major type of public service, such as the Police Department or Community Services Department.
At the most detailed level of the budget are account codes, also known as line items. These are the most basic units in the budget and make it possible to determine, for example, how much is spent on chemicals for the operation of the water plant.
General Statute Requirements
In accordance with the Florida Statutes, the City is required to budget and account for its funds on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become available. Expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the goods and services are received (except for unmatured interest on general long-term debt, which is recognized when due).
The State of Florida requires each local government to operate with a balanced budget.
Common Questions
What are the transfers shown in and out of funds?
Transfer In and Out is the movement of revenue/expenditures from one fund to another based on work performed by one fund but paid by another fund. These are made based on specific needs. An example would be a stormwater project whereby the infrastructure is accounted for in the 201 Streets/Stormwater Fund. A portion is funded by the 100 General Fund, so there is a transfer from the General Fund to the Streets/Stormwater Fund.
Is there a minimum reserve or savings for each fund?
The City tries to maintain a specific reserve in each fund based on the fund’s projected needs. Enterprise funds, for example, must contain enough revenues to support themselves. The city utilizes a capital improvement plan (CIP) to save annually for the replacement and renewal of capital, which may take five years or more to accumulate prior to purchase. Capital and operating expenses differ between funds and minimum reserves, which are established by Council policy.
Is there a restriction on how bed tax money can be spent?
Bed taxes, or the Tourism Development Tax (TDT), play a vital role in Florida counties’ promotion of
tourism. Collected TDTs are placed in the county Tourist Development Trust Fund pursuant to FL Statutes 125.0104. Santa Rosa County’s TDT is 5% on short-term rentals or lodging (six (6) months or less). Four percent is allocated to the Tourist Development Fund, and 1% is set aside by ordinance for future beach restoration in the Beach Berm Restoration Fund. Since the 1990s, the City of Gulf Breeze has been a grantee to Santa Rosa County for specific tourism-related expenses. On March 21, 2016, the city and Santa Rosa County entered into a new Interlocal Agreement that includes a city advisory committee for public input. The Gulf Breeze Tourist Advisory Committee reviews the statutory expenses of TDT, and the city provides quarterly reports to Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court.
The Budget Process
Budget Preparation
In May and June, City departments prepare their operating budget proposals for the next fiscal year. Departments are encouraged to conduct a thorough review and evaluation of their organizational structure and current and proposed programs. Departmental operating budgets are submitted by the middle of June.
Executive Review
Once the department budget review is finalized, the individual department budgets are forwarded to the City Manager for review. From mid-June until the City Council workshops, the City Manager reviews the departmental requests. The City Manager then prepares a comprehensive proposed budget, including operations and capital improvements, and a summary budget statement for City Council consideration.
Council Review
Beginning in mid-July, the City Manager presents the proposed budget to the City Council during a number of City Council workshops. The City Council meets to review and discuss the budget with the City Manager and each Department Director.
In accordance with the Truth In Millage Act, the City Council holds a public hearing on the Millage Rate and Proposed Budget prior to the adoption of a tentative millage and budget ordinance, generally by early September. By mid to late September, the City Council adopts by resolution of the final Millage Rate and Budget that serves as a financial planning and work plan for the next fiscal period.
During the month of October, the City Manager provides information to departments, setting time schedules and priorities for the purchase of equipment and the implementation of new programs or initiatives.
FY2025 Budget Information
FY2025 Budget Binder
Fund Budget Summary FY25
Budget in Brief 2025
Capital Improvement Plan FY2025-34
Resolution No. 45-2024 Adopting Millage Rate FY25 Tax Year 24
Resolution No. 46-2024 Adopting Budget FY2025
Resolution No. 49-2024 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY25
Resolution No. 43-2024 Tentative Budget FY25
Resolution No. 42-2024 Tentative Millage Rate FY25
Resolution No. 40-2024 Community Redevelopment Agency Budget FY25 Budget
Resolution No. 44-2024 Tourist Development Tax Fund FY25
FY2024 Budget Information
Resolution No. 27-2023 Millage Rate Tax Year 23 FY24
Resolution No. 28-2023 Adopting City of Gulf Breeze FY2024 Budget
Budget in Brief FY2024
Notice of Proposed Tax Increase Fiscal Year 2024 Tax Year 2023
Fund Budget Summary AD FY2024
Resolution No. 23-2023 Community Redevelopment Agency Budget FY2024
Resolution No. 24-2023 Tourist Development Tax Budget FY2024
Resolution No. 29-2023 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY2024 ex_
Resolution No. 33-2023 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan FY2024
Resolution No. 22-2023 Tentative Budget FY2024 ex
Resolution No. 21-2023 Tentative Millage Rate Tax Year 23 FY24 ex
Resolution No. 02-2024 FY24 Budget Amendment Carry Forward FY23 POs __
Resolution No. 03-2024 Amendment No. 2 to the Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY2024
FY2023 Budget Information
- FY2023 City Budget Resolution No. 30-2022
- FY2023 Millage Rate Resolution No. 29-2022
- Amendment No. 1 Budget Resolution No. 47-2022 to FY23 Carry Forward POs
- Amendment No. 2 Budget Resolution No. 12-2023 FY2023
- Amendment No. 1 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY2023
- Amendment No. 2 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY2023
- Amendment No. 3 to the Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY2023 ex
- Fund Budget Summary AD FY2023_
- Notice of Proposed Tax Increase FY2023
- Tourist Development FY23 Budget Resolution No. 24-2022
- Community Redevelopment Agency FY23 Budget Resolution No. 21-2022
- Budget In Brief FY2023
FY2022 Budget Information
- FY2022 Budget Resolution No. 41-2021
- Amendment No. 1 FY2022 Budge Resolution No. 01-2022 Carry Forward POs
- Amendment No. 2 to FY2022 Budget Resolution No. 8-2022
- Amendment No. 3 to FY2022 Budget Resolution No. 16-2022
- Amendment No. 4 FY2022 Final Budget Amendment Resolution No. 45-2022
- Amendment No. 1 FY2022 Schedule of Auth’d Positions Resolution No. 3-2022
- Amendment No. 2 FY2022 Schedule of Auth’d Positions Resolution No. 18-2022
- FY2022 Gulf Breeze Budget In Brief
- FY2022 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan 21.08.25
- GB 5-year strategic plan
FY2021 Budget Information
- Budget FY2021 Summary
- FY2021 Adopted Budget Resolution 56-2020
- Amendment 1 to FY2021 Budget – Resolution No. 73-2020
- Amendment No. 2 to FY 2021 Budget – Resolution 02-2021
- Amendment No. 3 to FY 2021 Budget – Resolution 08-2021
- Amendment No. 4 to FY2021 Budget – Resolution No. 19-2021
- Amendment No. 5 to FY2021 Budget – Resolution No. 65-2021
- Amendment No. 1 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY21
- Amendment No. 2 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY21
- Amendment No. 3 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY21
- Amendment No. 4 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY21
- Amendment No. 5 Schedule of Auth’d Positions FY21
FY2020 Budget Information
- Preliminary Budget Resolution
- Budget In Brief
- Budget In Brief Audio Version
- Budget Resolution
- Amendment 1 to FY2020 Budget – Resolution 06-2020
- Amendment 2 to FY2020 Budget – Resolution 30-2020
- Amendment 3 to FY2020 Budget – Resolution 39-2020
- Amendment 4 to FY2020 Budget – Resolution 75-2020 Final Year End
FY2019 Budget Information
FY2018 Budget Information
FY2017 Budget Information
FY2016 Budget Information
Gulf Breeze Police Pension Plan
Disclosures 10 01 2019 City of Gulf Breeze
2018GASB68Report City of Gulf Breeze
2019Valuation City of Gulf Breeze
Florida Statutes Section 112.664 Compliance Report