South Santa Rosa Beneficial Reclaim Strategic Plan (BSRP) – Phase III
Phase III consists of approximately 4.3 miles of new, 12″ transmission line joining the HNWS WWTP with the City of Gulf Breeze reuse system. The transmission line will include connections approximately every 1,500 feet to accommodate future distribution lines. A new pump station for the City’s Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) to increase the reliability and availability of residential reclaimed supply; upgrade to the intermediate pump station at the Holley-Navarre WWTP with two additional vertical turbine pumps with variable frequency drives and a supervisory control and data acquisition system. The pumps will supply 0.2-to-0.5 mgd at a minimum pressure of 70 psi; and a reuse supply interconnection with the HNWS that will convey a minimum of 0.2 mgd.