General Information |
All businesses operating from an office or location within the City Limits of Gulf Breeze (including home-based businesses) are required to have to pay business taxes. Before commencing business, a business tax application for a certificate must be submitted to the Community Service Department along with the appropriate fee. Applicants receive approval once all regulatory requirements have been met. This process must be complete before commencing business. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Business Tax Application Process |
Upon approval of the business tax application, a business tax will be charged and certificate will be mailed to the applicant. The business tax is based on a business tax schedule, section 6-37, Gulf Breeze Code of Ordinances. All business tax certificates shall expire and must be paid by September 30 of each year. Contact Community Services at (850) 934- 5109 concerning the appropriate business taxes.
Download Applications
Note: You will need Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader for the business licenses applications.