The City of Gulf Breeze is hosting Barge-O-Ween, a family-friendly event supporting local businesses, on October 31st from 4:00 - 8:00 pm at Gulf Breeze High School Stadium. Barge-O-Ween is a unique “Trick or Treat” style event that includes food, live music, candy and fun! Local businesses will have booths to distribute treats, sell merchandise or offer promotions. This event is being planned by the City of Gulf Breeze with the support of residents through the Facebook Group #savethebreeze from the #bargeblunder. Gulf Winds Credit Union is a participating sponsor.
Barge-O-Ween is free to all guests and pre-registered vendors. Food and vendor fare will be available at a cost. Beginning at 5:30 pm a Gift Card Power Hour will be hosted where cash vouchers to participating businesses will be distributed through a free raffle. Larger prizes will be available for various categories including a costume contest, booth decoration contest and pumpkin decoration contest. Details and vendor registration forms can be found on the City’s web page
This event will be organized to minimize the risks associated with Covid-19. All activities will be outdoors and will allow for ample space to safely social distance. When safe social distancing cannot be achieved, masks will be required. Hand sanitizer and handwashing stations will be available. Attendees may park in the parking lot located immediately south of Dolphin Stadium or parking lots across the street at Gulf Breeze High, Middle and Elementary Schools. Pedestrians should cross Highway 98 via the pedestrian walkover.
Please direct questions or comments to Craig Chamberlin, Neighborhood Services Coordinator, at [email protected] or 850-934-5109.