Sba Low Interest Loan – Deadline To Apply For Physical Disaster Loans In Florida Is Dec. 1st.
Sent on behalf of U.S. Small Business Administration
Contact Michael Lampton (404)331-0333
Disaster Field Operations Center East
Release Date: Nov. 2, 2020
Contact: Michael Lampton (404) 331-0333 [email protected]
Release Number: 21-088, Fl 16688/16689
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Do Not Wait for Insurance Settlement to Apply for SBA Low Interest Loan; Deadline to Apply for Physical Disaster Loans in Florida Is Dec. 1st.
ATLANTA - The U.S. Small Business Administration is encouraging Florida businesses and residents affected by Hurricane Sally on Sept. 14 - 28, 2020, to submit their loan applications for physical damages by Dec. 1, even if they have not settled with their insurance company. If a survivor has not settled their insurance claim, SBA will consider making a loan for the total loss up to its loan limits. The insurance settlement will be used to reduce or repay the loan.
“Waiting to file an SBA application could cause unnecessary delays in receiving disaster assistance, and survivors may miss the application deadline. Submitting the loan application is an essential part of the disaster recovery process,” said Michael Lampton, acting director of SBA Field Operations Center East.
The disaster declaration covers Bay, Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton counties in Florida, which are eligible for both Physical and Economic Injury Disaster Loans from the SBA. Small businesses and most private nonprofit organizations in the following adjacent counties are eligible to apply only for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans: Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson and Washington in Florida; and Baldwin, Covington, Escambia and Geneva in Alabama.
Physical disaster loans are available to homeowners, renters, businesses of all sizes and non-profit organizations to repair or replace disaster-damaged property, including contents and automobiles. For small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private nonprofit organizations, the SBA offers Economic Injury Disaster Loans to help meet working capital needs caused by the disaster. Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance is available regardless of whether the business suffered any physical property damage.
Interest rates are as low as 3 percent for businesses, 2.75 percent for nonprofit organizations and 1.188 percent for homeowners and renters with terms up to 30 years. Loan amounts and terms are set by the SBA and are based on each applicant’s financial condition.
Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via the SBA’s secure website at
To be considered for all forms of disaster assistance, applicants should register online at or download the FEMA mobile app. If online or mobile access is unavailable, applicants should call the FEMA toll- free helpline at 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585. Multilingual operators are available.
Survivors should contact the SBA’s Disaster Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 for assistance in completing their loan applications. Requests for SBA disaster loan program information may be obtained by emailing [email protected]. The SBA will conduct extensive outreach to ensure that those affected by the disaster have an opportunity to apply for assistance.
Businesses and individuals may also obtain information and loan applications by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 (1-800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing), or by emailing [email protected]. Loan applications can also be downloaded at Completed applications should be mailed to: U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
The filing deadline to return applications for physical property damage is Dec. 1, 2020. The deadline to return economic injury applications is July 2, 2021.
FEMA mobile centers offering registration and document scanning are located at:
- Gulf Breeze Community Center, 800 Shoreline Drive, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561
Hours: Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed Nov. 3 (election polling site)
Document scanning: Nov. 4-14 (Nov 14th last day for this mobile site) - Pensacola State College, 5988 U.S. 90, Milton, FL 32583
Hours: Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Document scanning: Nov. 3-14
The centers operate under COVID-19 protocols to ensure visitors and FEMA personnel are safe. Distancing and face coverings are required. It is not necessary to visit a center to register with FEMA. Disaster survivors with uninsured losses can also apply by:
- Downloading the FEMA App; or by
- Calling 800-621-3362 (800-462-7585 TTY). Multilingual operators are available. The toll-free numbers are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, seven days a week. Those who use a relay service such as a videophone, InnoCaption or CapTel should provide FEMA with their specific phone number assigned to that service.
The deadline to register is Dec. 1, 2020.