Highpoint Septic-to-Sewer Conversion
Last updated on January 17th, 2025 at 11:51 am
The current sewer impact fee is $5,320 and can be paid in full or financed over a ten-year period in interest-free monthly installments of $44.33 through the city. If residents opt for the payment plan, repayment will commence once the plan is established. However, residents will not receive invoices for sewer services until the property is connected to the sewer. Following the connection of the property and initiation of sewer service, the anticipated monthly sewer bill will amount to approximately $20.10, in addition to $5.09 for every 1,000 gallons of usage. However, this figure is subject to potential increases, as rates are subject to periodic revisions. Residents seeking to establish the payment plan must first submit the UTILITY SERVICE APPLICATIONÂ form to the Utility Billing Department to initiate their new sewer account. Alternatively, residents may visit the Utility Billing Department at 311 Fairpoint Drive to arrange the payment plan.
Resident Guide for Sewer Connection
Sewer Service Connection Form - STS Projects
Utility Service Application Form
STS Temporary Construction Easement
Bank Draft Request
Highpoint Construction 2024 Group Me Page
Contractor's ROE Form - Highpoint STS
Homeowner’s Guide for Low-Pressure Sewer (LPS) Systems
Operating and Maintenance Manual – Grinder Station (Highpoint & Fairpoint STS)
Troubleshooting Grinder Pump Alarms
Residents are encouraged to click on the provided link to download the Group Me app and join the Highpoint Construction 2024 page for official updates from the City regarding construction within the Highpoint neighborhood. Highpoint Construction 2024 Group Me Page
The QR code is also located above for those who prefer to download the app via the code.
Septic-to-Sewer Conversion Forms:
Click on the following link to complete and submit the Contractor's ROE Form - Highpoint STS
Click on the following link to complete and submit the Utility Service Application Form (this form must be submitted before the impact fee can be paid)
Updated tentative installation schedule:
Air Design (L&K's Plumbing Subcontractor) will be setting approximately 10 tanks today on Valencia Street.Â
12.11.2024 Update
L&K Construction Company has successfully converted 46 of the 140 residents who opted into the project. The contractors are currently finalizing the last connection on Oviedo Street and addressing several priority addresses on Highpoint. Following the completion of these tasks, they will proceed with the conversion of residents on Valencia Street, followed by Highpoint Drive. Â
12.5.2024 Update
Conversions continue on Oviedo and Valencia Streets, and restoration is being completed on Cadiz, Madrid, and Cordoba Streets.
11.13.2024 - Update
As of today, all residents who opted in on Cadiz, Madrid, and Cordoba Streets have successfully transitioned to the sewer system, except two properties on Cordoba Street, which are expected to be completed by the end of this week. The abandonment of septic tanks and the restoration of properties still need to be finalized. The next street scheduled for conversion is Oviedo Street.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
10.3.2024 - STATUS UPDATE
L&K has completed the installation of all sewer services. Plumbers and electricians are now scheduling dates to carry out assessments at each residence for the installation of grinder pumps and electrical panels, as well as the abandonment of septic tanks. Residents should refer to the GroupMe app for tentative installation schedules.
9.11.2024 - STATUS UPDATE
L&K continues to install services throughout the project area. Tentative plumbing and electrical install dates have been established as follows:
7.17.2024 - ATTN RESIDENTS:
 L&K has finished laying the main sewer line and completed the pressure testing within Cordoba and Oviedo.L&K will begin installing individual services tomorrow on Cordoba St., followed by Oviedo St. Once L&K has installed a service, the following steps will occur:
• Grinder Pump Installation: the pump location will be marked to allow Air Design to install the grinder pump.
• Electrical Installation: once the grinder pump is installed, ICE Contractors will be notified to wire up the conduit and connect the grinder pump to the resident’s electrical panel.
7.8.24 Construction for the septic-to-sewer conversion continues this week. L&K will continue pressure testing and then install individual services. There are still 48 ROEs that need to be submitted. Please review the document and click on the link to submit your ROE Form today! Contractor's ROE Form - Highpoint STS
7.3.24 L&K has approximately 200 linear feet remaining of the sewer main to install, and pressure testing will begin on the main. Once pressure testing is complete, individual service installations will begin. A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9th, to finalize the individual service installation schedule. Once finalized, the schedule will be posted for residents to review. There will be no construction activities on July 4 & 5; construction will resume on Monday, July 8.
Individual service installations will begin in approximately two weeks. Right of Entry (ROE) forms still need to be submitted. The ROE form is required to ensure the conversion at your residence. Please click the link below to sign and submit the ROE form electronically. (Scroll down to the photo gallery to see if your address is on the list!)
The City is currently working on a tentative individual service connection schedule and will share it with residents once it is complete.
L&K will begin boring and laying pipe on Highpoint Drive, beginning at 84 Highpoint Dr to 142 Highpoint Dr.
L&K will continue to bore and lay pipe on Madrid, Cadiz, and Valencia streets this week.
L&K has bored and laid approximately 4,000 feet of pipe throughout Oviedo and Cordoba streets, as well as a small portion on Highpoint Drive in front of the tennis courts. L&K continues to obtain their Right of Entry forms from the residents who have opted in for the conversion. For residents who still need to obtain and complete the ROE form, please contact Spring Renton, Project Manager, at [email protected].
Construction will begin on Monday, May 20th. Residents within the conversion area will receive a call from L&K Construction regarding the start date and to obtain their 'Right of Entry' form, which allows them access to residents' property to ensure the project can be completed.
Pre-Construction meeting was held on 4.4.2024. The Notice to Proceed was issued and construction will begin on May 20, 2024.
Beginning next week, L&K Contracting Co. will contact each participating resident within the project area to introduce themselves and obtain the 'Right of Entry' (ROE) form for the contractor. Residents, please note that it is imperative to sign the ROE form to ensure the conversion takes place at your residence!
Click the link below to visit BDI's Facebook page and learn more information about the project or to submit questions:
Highpoint STS Facebook Page - BDI
The Construction Contract is being executed by L&K and the City. Next step is to schedule a pre-construction meeting after the contract is fully executed.
The City only received one bid for this project in the amount of $5,801,580 from L&K Contracting. Staff has prepared a memo asking City Council to award the bid to L&K. The next City Council meeting will be Monday, March 18, 2024.
This project is currently in the bidding process.
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: January 30, 2024 at 9:00 am - City Hall.
Question Due Date: February 2, 2024 by 4:00 pm.
Bid Opening is scheduled for February 13, 2024, at 2:00 pm - City Hall.
The Bid Opening has been extended to February 27, 2024 @ 2:00 pm.Â
On October 2, 2023, City Council authorized the advertisement of an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the Highpoint Septic-to-Sewer conversion project.
The City Council has approved an 8-year $15 million plan for septic removal inside the City. Planning began five years ago in 2016 when the City Council created a program to encourage and support the removal of the septic tanks and promote connection to the City's sewer collection system. Since that time, several septic tanks have been eliminated.
To expand the program and expedite septic tank elimination, the City commissioned BDI in May 2019, to provide an overview of the areas within the City currently serviced by on-site sewer systems. Those areas were categorized by environmental sensitivity and most economically feasible for conversion to central collection systems or by low-pressure systems. The City Council considered the septic tank feasibility report and subsequently approved a 2019 city-wide septic tank elimination program (STEP) as a top priority for the City's resilience. In 2020, the City identified funding in order to proceed with the abatement program in a phased approach.
On February 22, 2022, the City Council accepted the recommendation of the Gulf Breeze Regional Water Board and approved the professional services design fee of $516,660.00 to Baskerville and Donovan (BDI) for the proposed Gravity and Low-Pressure sewer systems, for the Highpoint Area. BDI has completed the necessary design/permitting and the City staff have prepared the bid package.