FDOT Pedestrian Bridge Highway 98 Overpass
Last updated on October 2nd, 2024 at 02:48 pm
On November 4th, 2019, the Mayor and Council acting as the CRA, approved McKim & Creed and Volkert Engineering to complete a feasibility study and “proof of concept” in order to determine the efficacy and location of such an overpass. After a series of public meetings to consider the proposed locations, the CRA authorized staff to proceed with submitting to FDOT for consideration of the Shoreline Shared Use Overpass. As the overpass will be traversing the state highway system, FDOT requires that the state manage, design, construct, and own the overpass. Due to the funding, the City has made available and the alignment with the FDOT goals, the project's design has been expedited. For congruency with the feasibility study, FDOT has tasked Volkert under an existing master services agreement to assist with the design of the project. On June 21, 2021, the Community Redevelopment Agency approved a $10,700,000 loan to finance projects within the CRA including undergrounding utilities and a Shared Use Overpass over Highway 98. This overpass project will connect the new 4-mile Multi-Use Pathway to the commercial district and east side of the City through a safe alternative route overpassing Highway 98. FDOT requires that funds be on deposit before a partnership project is executed. Recently, the Florida-Alabama TPO unanimously approved adding the city’s Shared Use Overpass to its FY 2024-2028 Project Priorities.
The agreement requires that the CRA deposit $400,000 into an escrow account to pay for the design and administration costs. Due to the 2021 loan the CRA approved, this funding is available in reserves.