Waste Water Treatment Facility Demolition Project at Transfer Station
Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 03:54 pm
In 1992 the sewage from Gulf Breeze was diverted to the Tiger Point Waste Water Treatment Facility, now known as the Gulf Breeze Regional Water System Water Reclamation Facility. The existing treatment facility, located adjacent to the transfer station at the south end of South Sunset Boulevard, was decommissioned. The site has remained primarily unused since that time.
The existing facility serves no purpose other than one building used for storage. However, the need to expand the usable area for the city's growing services dictates that it would be an appropriate time to demolish the existing tankage and infrastructure for the facility that has been unused for (30) years.
On March 7th, 2022, the City Council authorized the advertisement of an invitation to bid (ITB) for the demolition and removal of the former City wastewater treatment facility adjacent to the trash transfer station. Staff prepared the demolition documents and specifications internally, and on February 14th, 2023, the City received one bid for $412,480.00 from JNB Contracting LLC. The bid exceeded the city's budget, and staff asked the bidder to provide value engineer alternatives. On March 3rd, 2023, the staff met with JNB Contracting, where he offered a value-engineered total cost of $220,042. The most considerable savings are found by not removing the entire concrete footer and not being required to dewater and handle hazardous materials.  The contractor had included a large contingency for dealing with hazardous materials but was able to confirm they do not exist on the site. The staff and the contractor agreed the concrete footer could be removed to two feet below the natural grade and with the footer below that safely remaining. This would accommodate the city's future plans for the site.
The original budget for this project was $150,000. The approved budget item for improvements other than buildings has excess funds from other projects being deferred to later years, so a budget amendment will not be required to cover the $70,000 differential. On March 20, 2023, City Council authorized the award of a bid for the WWTF Demolition Project to JNB Services LLC for $220,042 and authorized the Mayor, upon review and approval for legal sufficiency by the City Attorney, to execute an agreement.