Florida & Montrose STS
Septic to sewer conversion for residents of Florida Ave and Montrose Blvd
Septic to sewer conversion for residents of Florida Ave and Montrose Blvd
Last updated on October 22nd, 2024 at 02:27 pm
The Project Area is located in the City of Gulf Breeze in two different areas. The first area encompasses residents on Floriday Avenue, Dolphin Street, and Hillcrest Avenue. The second area encompasses residents on Montrose Blvd, Navy Cove Blvd, and Berry Ave. The work includes surveying and design for a sewer system, as well as stub outs, and service laterals. It also includes the abandonment of septic tanks, property restoration, and all other components necessary for a complete and operational system. Lastly, coordination of right-of-entry agreements and work within residential properties will be required, demonstrating our commitment to a comprehensive and successful project.
Bids for this project were opened on Aprill 11, 2024, and the bid was awarded. Construction is currently set to begin on or slightly after January 1, 2025.