Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #14 – Friday, December 31st
Less than 1% positive Covid cases inside Gulf Breeze, compared with 29.7% countywide. As of New Years Eve, the City of Gulf Breeze has 55 positive Covid cases, and has yet to break the 1% mark inside the city limits. Gulf Breeze reports a positive “case” as a residence with a positive result, as reported by the Department of Health. Other external media reports follow zip codes and do no follow the city limits. This holiday season, we remind you to please wear your mask and responsibly social distance for the health of family and friends.
On November 2nd the City Council adopted Resolution 69A extending Resolution 67-2020, which extended prior resolutions under which the Council ratified and adopted Resolution 34-2020 with amendments as stated in Amended Resolution 35-2020, copies of which are attached hereto, is hereby extended and shall remain in effect until midnight of the day on which the City Council holds its first Regular Meeting in January 2021, or until such further action by the City Council of the City of Gulf Breeze pursuant to Section 2-37 of the City Code of Ordinances.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #13 – Friday, June 26th
Effective at 5 p.m. today, Friday, June 26, face coverings are required inside businesses within the City of Gulf Breeze limits. This order is in response to a rapid increase of COVID-19 cases in the Gulf Breeze area and in accordance with the recent Public Health Advisory issued by the State Surgeon General, along with the recommendation from the CDC that cloth face coverings be worn in public settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain. Remember: Your mask is worn to potentially protect others, not to protect yourself. This is a simple step you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
This requirement comes from Emergency Resolution 34-2020 issued today by Mayor Cherry Fitch. This order applies ONLY to businesses within the City of Gulf Breeze limits. Exceptions apply. Read more:
Change in Community Center Activities: Due to recent local increases in the number of positive COVID 19 cases that are attributed to “community spread”, effective Monday June 29, the Gulf Breeze Community Center will discontinue indoor open, free play gym activities including basketball and volleyball. Activities that enable CDC recommended distancing and group size, such as Jazzercise, Zumba, fitness boot camp, pickleball, will be permitted, but only as they can maintain compliance with CDC recommendations.
The Gulf Breeze Community Center will remain open, in service to our community, Monday through Friday, 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm; Saturday 7:30 am to 9:00 pm and Sunday, 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm, to encourage safe, healthy opportunities for exercise and leisure time activities. For activity space availability, please call 934-5140.
Resolution: Click Here to Read
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #12 – Thursday, June 25th
City of Gulf Breeze
Recreation and Public Facilities Reopening
The City is still in Phase II of its Phased Re-Opening Plan, as established June 8th.
As of today, there are seven (7) active COVID-19 cases inside the city limits of Gulf Breeze.
Active cases are reported directly from the Department of Health to City emergency services, and are updated daily. Florida Dashboard statistics relate to a larger region “Gulf Breeze” region.
On Tuesday 6/23/2020 – Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-150, extending Executive Order 20-69 regarding local government public meetings until 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 2020.
Effective Tuesday, June 8, 2020
• The Community Center is open from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm Monday through Friday; 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday; and 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday for free play activities only;
• Allowed free play activities includes basketball, volleyball, pickleball, for youth and adults;
• Group reservations and organized fee for service programming such as Jazzercise, fitness classes, etc. has resumed with limited hours Monday through Friday during the hours of on 6 AM-7:30 AM and 5:30 PM-9 PM and Saturday 6 AM-9 PM.
• The Community Center will operate at no more than 50% capacity. All such group programming and activities may be limited at the discretion of recreation staff based on CDC social distancing guidance.
• Outdoor facility rentals with reservations, playgrounds, and concessions will reopen;
• Park restrooms are open.
• Summer Camp will begin on July 1, 2020, and run from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday with the Camp program having exclusive use of the Community Center during those hours;
• Limited special event permitting will resume for all City-controlled public property and special events with less than 50 requiring City services will resume.
• City Hall is open for lobby walk-in service.
Subject to the Governor’s Declaration of Phase III
• Community Center returns to pre-pandemic operations and programming;
• The Splash Pad will resume;
• Special events and tournaments, and Special Event permitting for all City-controlled public property and events requiring City services will resume.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #11 – Wednesday, June 24
City of Gulf Breeze
Recreation and Public Facilities Reopening
The City is still in Phase II of its Phased Re-Opening Plan, as established June 8th.
As of today, there are two (2) active COVID-19 cases inside the city limits of Gulf Breeze.
Active cases are reported directly from the Department of Health to City emergency services, and are updated daily. Florida Dashboard statistics relate to a larger region “Gulf Breeze” region.
On Tuesday 6/23/2020 – Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-150, extending Executive Order 20-69 regarding local government public meetings until 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 2020.
Effective Tuesday, June 8, 2020
• The Community Center is open from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm Monday through Friday; 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday; and 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday for free play activities only;
• Allowed free play activities includes basketball, volleyball, pickleball, for youth and adults;
• Group reservations and organized fee for service programming such as Jazzercise, fitness classes, etc. has resumed with limited hours Monday through Friday during the hours of on 6 AM-7:30 AM and 5:30 PM-9 PM and Saturday 6 AM-9 PM.
• The Community Center will operate at no more than 50% capacity. All such group programming and activities may be limited at the discretion of recreation staff based on CDC social distancing guidance.
• Outdoor facility rentals with reservations, playgrounds, and concessions will reopen;
• Park restrooms are open.
• Summer Camp will begin on July 1, 2020, and run from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday with the Camp program having exclusive use of the Community Center during those hours;
• Limited special event permitting will resume for all City-controlled public property and special events with less than 50 requiring City services will resume.
• City Hall is open for lobby walk-in service.
Subject to the Governor’s Declaration of Phase III
• Community Center returns to pre-pandemic operations and programming;
• The Splash Pad will resume;
• Special events and tournaments, and Special Event permitting for all City-controlled public property and events requiring City services will resume.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #10 – Thursday, April 30
The City of Gulf Breeze has had no increase in COVID-19 cases since April 20th. The April peak number for active cases is eleven. This includes eight asymptomatic elderly residents of a multi-family complex and remainder cases related to recent travel. All cases remain in social isolation.
Utility Customer Service:
Past due water and sewer fees and disconnections are suspended, upon application of hardship. Customers must call 850-934-5100 or fill out the online form at Failure to apply for hardship may result in past due penalty fees. This will continue until Council action otherwise.
Utility online payment fees are also suspended. This will continue until Council action otherwise.
Garbage and Yard Debris:
April and May, Republic Services is doubling yard debris pick-up over two days. Republic Services is running a second truck that loads from the rear to pick customer owned yard containers and debris bundles during the month of May. Bundles are not to exceed four feet (4’) in length and must be placed at the curb. Also, bags are to be limited to 10 bags per service day during this time period.
The transfer station is now open an extra day, Wednesday. The new schedule is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7:30-4 PM.
Gulf Breeze Bars and Restaurants Re-Opening
March 20, 2020, the City Council closed all on-premises service at bars and restaurants in the City, prohibited public gatherings of ten (10) or more people, consistent with that of Santa Rosa County and the Governor. The 25% capacity reopening only applies to restaurants. Bars will remain closed under the Governor’s EO 20-112 and our pending resolution. It is anticipated bars will reopen at some level in a later phase under the Governor’s plan.
May 4th, the City Council will consider the re-opening of indoor seating at 25% capacity and outdoor seating for parties of 10 or less, in accordance with CDC social distancing guidelines, consistent with Governor Ron DeSantis’ Executive Order 20-112 “Phase I: Safe, Smart, Step-by-Step Plan for Florida’s Recovery.”
The City Council has passed not other emergency order related to private business.
The Gulf Breeze City Council will meet for its regular meeting at 5:30 PM, Monday, May 4th.
- The city council regular meeting will be broadcastat 5:30 p.m., Mon., May 4th via YouTube Live on the city’s web site.
- Prior to the meeting, the public should review the agenda. Questions and comments must be submitted by close of business April 20th on agenda items. Emails should be sent to the city clerkand include your name and address and reference the agenda item. The clerk will read your question or comment in the meeting for a response by the mayor and council.
- If you want to participate in public forum at the end of the meeting, please comment on YouTube Live with your name, city address, and question or comment.
All other non-essential volunteer and committee board meetings have been canceled. This includes the Charter Review Committee, Board of Adjustment, Architecture Review Board, Pension Board, Tourism Development Advisory Council, and South Santa Rosa Utility System Board, among others.
Gulf Breeze encourages its healthy residents to enjoy the outdoors for wellbeing.
- All city parks are open for the public to enjoy walking and running.
- Areas closed are the large pavilion at Shoreline Park South, restrooms, water fountains, batting cages, and the community center.
- Basketball, tennis, skatepark, disc golf, and volleyball have been reduced in nets and capacity, and are limited and monitored by staff.
- Boat launch, boardwalks and piers are open but limited due to CDC recommendations strictly enforced.
- No walk-ins are being accepted.
Finance Department
The Office of Management and Budget will be closed to walk in traffic. Some personnel are working remotely. For inquiries, contact (850) 934-5100.
Administrative Services Department
The office has limited staffing. The office of procurement will be closed to the public. Phone and/or video conferencing is available if needed for solicitations, or call (850) 934-5135.
Community Development Services (Planning, Zoning, Inspections)
- The lobby is closed except for scheduled appointments. Call (850) 934-5109.
- All pre-application meetings for Development Services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
- Site plans, permit applications and other documentation that can be electronically submitted via city website.
Code Enforcement and Neighborhood Services Division
- Code Enforcement is closed to walk-in traffic.
- The department will continue to work field cases without face-to-face interaction, utilizing phone and mail.
- All neighborhood services interaction shall be handled via phone and other electronic means.
Engineering and Development Services Division
- The lobby is closed for walk-in traffic. Call (850) 934-5128.
- Staff are working remotely. All pre-application meetings for engineering and development services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
Natural Gas, Water and Sewer Public Services Department
- Services are uninterrupted. In-home service calls are limited and considered on a case-by-case basis.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #9 – Thursday, April 16
As of April 16th, the City of Gulf Breeze has nine active COVID-19 positive patients. This is an increase from the initial two cases of an elderly married couple who recently traveled out of state. The elderly couple has recovered and were cleared from quarantine by the Florida Department of Health.
Eight of the new cases are asymptomatic elderly residents of a multi-family complex. The ninth active case relates to recent travel to New Orleans. All cases remain under quarantine.
Monday, April 6th, the City Council approved Resolution 24-2020, suspending late fees and disconnections for past due utility accounts in April. Utility online payment fees are also suspended. Customers must phone utility customer service at 850-934-5100 and request a financial hardship status, or fill out the form online from, in order to receive a suspension of fees or a deferred payment plan. Failure to apply for hardship may result in past due penalty fees.
Gulf Breeze seniors and families with students on the reduced lunch program may sign up to receive a weekly dry food supply. The Interfaith Disaster Resources (IDR) Food Assistance Hotline is 850-903-1420.
The Gulf Breeze City Council will meet for its regular meeting at 5:30 PM, Monday, April 20th.
- The city council regular meeting will be broadcastat 5:30 p.m., Mon., Apr. 20th via YouTube Live on the city’s web site.
- Prior to the meeting, the public should review the agenda. Questions and comments must be submitted by close of business April 20th on agenda items. Emails should be sent to the city clerkand include your name and address and reference the agenda item. The clerk will read your question or comment in the meeting for a response by the mayor and council.
- If you want to participate in public forum at the end of the meeting, please comment on YouTube Live with your name, city address, and question or comment.
All other non-essential volunteer and committee board meetings have been canceled. This includes the Charter Review Committee, Board of Adjustment, Architecture Review Board, Pension Board, Tourism Development Advisory Council, and South Santa Rosa Utility System Board, among others.
Finance Department
The Office of Management and Budget will be closed to walk in traffic. Some personnel are working remotely. For inquiries, contact (850) 934-5100.
Gulf Breeze Utilities and Customer Service
- The City Hall customer service lobby requires scheduled appointments. Call 850-934-5110.
- Utility bills may be left in the after-hours drop box. A financial hardship application is available on city homepage.
- All utility online service fees have been waved by Emergency Resolution 21-2020.
- New customers should apply online
- Residents may report issues online via the homepage.
Gulf Breeze encourages its healthy residents to enjoy the outdoors for wellbeing. Resolution 21-2020 provides for enforcement with penalties of up to $500 each offense, for social distancing on public property, according to recommendations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- All city parks are open for the public to enjoy walking and running.
- Areas closed are the large pavilion at Shoreline Park South, restrooms, water fountains, batting cages, and the community center.
- Basketball, tennis, skatepark, disc golf, and volleyball have been reduced in nets and capacity, and are limited and monitored by staff.
- Boat launch, boardwalks and piers are open but limited due to CDC recommendations strictly enforced.
- No walk-ins are being accepted.
Administrative Services Department
The office has limited staffing. The office of procurement will be closed to the public. Phone and/or video conferencing is available if needed for solicitations, or call (850) 934-5135.
Community Development Services (Planning, Zoning, Inspections)
- The lobby is closed except for scheduled appointments. Call (850) 934-5109.
- All pre-application meetings for Development Services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
- Site plans, permit applications and other documentation that can be electronically submitted via city website.
Code Enforcement and Neighborhood Services Division
- Code Enforcement is closed to walk-in traffic.
- The department will continue to work field cases without face-to-face interaction, utilizing phone and mail.
- All neighborhood services interaction shall be handled via phone and other electronic means.
Engineering and Development Services Division
- The lobby is closed for walk-in traffic. Call (850) 934-5128.
- Staff are working remotely. All pre-application meetings for engineering and development services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
Natural Gas, Water and Sewer Public Services Department
- Services are uninterrupted. In-home service calls are limited and considered on a case-by-case basis.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #8 – Tuesday, April 7
As of April 7th, the City of Gulf Breeze has two COVID-19 positive patients with no community spread. The husband and wife are winter visitors who recently traveled out of state.
Monday, April 6th, the City Council approved Resolution 24-2020, suspending late fees and disconnections for past due utility accounts in April. Utility online payment fees are also suspended. Customers must phone utility customer service at 850-934-5100 and request a financial hardship status, or fill out the form online from in order to receive a suspension of fees or a deferred payment plan. Failure to apply for hardship may result in past due penalty fees.
Gulf Breeze seniors and families with students on the reduced lunch program may sign up to receive a weekly dry food supply. The Interfaith Disaster Resources (IDR) Food Assistance Hotline is 850-903-1420.
The Gulf Breeze City Council will meet for its regular meeting at 5:30 PM, Monday, April 20th.
- The city council regular meeting will be broadcastat 5:30 p.m., Mon., Apr. 20th via YouTube Live on the city’s web site.
- Prior to the meeting, the public should review the agenda. Questions and comments must be submitted by close of business April 20th on agenda items. Emails should be sent to the city clerkand include your name and address and reference the agenda item. The clerk will read your question or comment in the meeting for a response by the mayor and council.
- If you want to participate in public forum at the end of the meeting, please comment on YouTube Live with your name, city address, and question or comment.
All other non-essential volunteer and committee board meetings have been canceled. This includes the Charter Review Committee, Board of Adjustment, Architecture Review Board, Pension Board, Tourism Development Advisory Council, and South Santa Rosa Utility System Board, among others.
Finance Department
The Office of Management and Budget will be closed to walk in traffic. Some personnel are working remotely. For inquiries, contact (850) 934-5100.
Gulf Breeze Utilities and Customer Service
- The City Hall customer service lobby requires scheduled appointments. Call 850-934-5110.
- Utility bills may be left in the after-hours drop box. A financial hardship application is available on city homepage.
- All utility online service fees have been waved by Emergency Resolution 21-2020.
- New customers should apply online
- Residents may report issues online via the homepage.
Gulf Breeze encourages its healthy residents to enjoy the outdoors for wellbeing. Resolution 21-2020 provides for enforcement with penalties of up to $500 each offense, for social distancing on public property, according to recommendations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- All city parks are open for the public to enjoy walking and running.
- Areas closed are the large pavilion at Shoreline Park South, restrooms, water fountains, batting cages, and the community center.
- Basketball, tennis, skatepark, disc golf, and volleyball are limited in play until dusk, and monitored by staff.
- Boat launch, boardwalks and piers are open but limited due to CDC recommendations strictly enforced.
- No walk-ins are being accepted.
Administrative Services Department
The office has limited staffing. The office of procurement will be closed to the public. Phone and/or video conferencing is available if needed for solicitations, or call (850) 934-5135.
Community Development Services (Planning, Zoning, Inspections)
- The lobby is closed except for scheduled appointments. Call (850) 934-5109.
- All pre-application meetings for Development Services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
- Site plans, permit applications and other documentation that can be electronically submitted via city website.
Code Enforcement and Neighborhood Services Division
- Code Enforcement is closed to walk-in traffic.
- The department will continue to work field cases without face-to-face interaction, utilizing phone and mail.
- All neighborhood services interaction shall be handled via phone and other electronic means.
Engineering and Development Services Division
- The lobby is closed for walk-in traffic. Call (850) 934-5128.
- Staff are working remotely. All pre-application meetings for engineering and development services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
Natural Gas, Water and Sewer Public Services Department
- Services are uninterrupted. In-home service calls are limited and considered on a case-by-case basis.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #7 – Wednesday, March 25
Gulf Breeze Hospital has treated and transported two COVID-19 positive patients with no community spread. Today, Gulf Breeze was additionally notified of its first positive case of a winter visitor who recently traveled out of state.
Last week the City declared a State of Emergency, activating the City’s Pandemic Plan in coordination with Santa Rosa County. Friday, I contacted all Gulf Breeze businesses affected by the Governor’s Executive Order 20-71, providing restaurants with a written copy upon request. The City’s second and expanded emergency declaration came Friday, which provides for enforcement with penalties of the social distancing recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on public property, including no more than 10 on public property, and distancing individuals to a minimum six feet.
The City has also waived fees for online payments and is sharing its financial hardship application with customers financially impacted by the pandemic, who may need a payment deferral or waiver.
Lastly, we continue to coordinate the City’s Interfaith Disaster Response Council (IDR), which is providing a weekly food supply to more than 200 families in the Gulf Breeze area, and also providing deliveries to our vulnerable population. For any residents that need assistance with meals or delivery, please call 850-903-1420 and complete an application over the phone.
We want to thank our Gulf Breeze restaurants for their support. They are providing meals to the Gulf Breeze Hospital staff and our first responders. We are here for our citizens, and will continue to serve you.
If you think you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home and self-quarantine for the recommended 14 days. If you have or begin to exhibit symptoms of the virus, call your health care provider immediately.
Please continue to give attention to your physical and mental wellbeing with exercise in and outdoors. Also, maintain CDC recommendations to avoid unnecessary trips and keep social distance.
Gulf Breeze Mayor Cherry Fitch
The Gulf Breeze City Council will meet for its regular meeting at 5:30 PM, Monday, April 6th. The agenda and supporting materials are published on the city’s website and delivered e-blast. The City will utilize YouTube Live for viewers.
All other non-essential volunteer and committee board meetings have been canceled. This includes the Charter Review Committee, Board of Adjustment, Architecture Review Board, Pension Board, Tourism Development Advisory Council, and South Santa Rosa Utility System Board, among others.
Finance Department
The Office of Management and Budget will be closed to walk in traffic. Some personnel are working remotely. For inquiries, contact (850) 934-5100.
Gulf Breeze Utilities and Customer Service
- The City Hall customer service lobby requires scheduled appointments. Call 850-934-5110.
- Utility bills may be left in the after-hours drop box. A financial hardship application is available on city homepage.
- All utility online service fees have been waved by Emergency Resolution 21-2020.
- New customers should apply online
- Residents may report issues online via the homepage.
Administrative Services Department
The office has limited staffing. The office of procurement will be closed to the public. Phone and/or video conferencing is available if needed for solicitations, or call (850) 934-5135.
Community Development Services (Planning, Zoning, Inspections)
- The lobby is closed except for scheduled appointments. Call (850) 934-5109.
- All pre-application meetings for Development Services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
- Site plans, permit applications and other documentation that can be electronically submitted via city website.
Code Enforcement and Neighborhood Services Division
- Code Enforcement is closed to walk-in traffic.
- The department will continue to work field cases without face-to-face interaction, utilizing phone and mail.
- All neighborhood services interaction shall be handled via phone and other electronic means.
Gulf Breeze encourages its healthy residents to enjoy the outdoors for wellbeing. Resolution 21-2020 provides for enforcement with penalties of up to $500 each offense, for social distancing on public property, according to recommendations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Parks remain open for the public’s enjoyment with playgrounds and inside facilities closed. On public property, individuals are to keep a minimum 6’ distance apart, and maintain gatherings no greater than ten individuals.
- All city parks are open for the public to enjoy walking and running. Areas closed are the large pavilion at Shoreline Park South, restrooms, water fountains, batting cages, and the community center.
- All restrooms are closed to the public until further notice.
- No walk-ins are being accepted.
Engineering and Development Services Division
- The lobby is closed for walk-in traffic. Call (850) 934-5128.
- Staff are working remotely. All pre-application meetings for engineering and development services will be conducted via conference call or postponed.
Natural Gas, Water and Sewer Public Services Department
- Services are uninterrupted. In-home service calls are limited and considered on a case-by-case basis.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #6 – Monday Mar. 23
Information on City Services, Recreation, and Emergency Management
“We encourage our residents to subscribe to the City’s Nixle alerts via cell phone, check official city social media, and subscribe to our e-news blast.”
Friday, March 20th, Mayor Cherry Fitch approved Resolution 21-2020, an expansion of the City’s emergency declaration. The additions included the following:
The City of Gulf Breeze encourages its residents to enjoy the outdoors for wellbeing. To do so safely, physical distancing on public property, as well as all guidance from U.S. Centers for Disease Controls, will be strictly enforced. Parks remain open for the public’s enjoyment, with playgrounds and inside facilities closed. On public property, individuals are to keep a minimum 6’ distance apart, and maintain gatherings no greater than ten individuals.
In an effort to encourage online payments, and in anticipation of limited customer service, the City has suspended online service fees for payments.
Also on Friday, Mayor Fitch visited Gulf Breeze small businesses impacted by the Governor’s Executive Order 20-71, providing restaurants with a written copy and answering any questions. We encourage residents to enjoy take-out and delivery, and support our local businesses.
The moratorium on publicly-permitted events continues throughout the month.
Today, Monday March 23rd, the City moved to a Level II of its Pandemic Plan. The purpose of the plan is to ensure continuity of essential services. As the City expects absenteeism and/or a shortage of supplies to begin to impact capabilities, reallocation of resources and personnel will occur, and levels of service provided may be adjusted, beginning today. However, service provision is not yet limited exclusively to essential services, which will be the next level of the City’s pandemic plan.
Currently, the City is cross-training support personnel to ensure continuity of essential operations.
The Gulf Breeze City Council will meet for its regular meeting at 5:30 PM, Tuesday, April 6th. The agenda and supporting materials are published on the city’s website and delivered e-blast. The City will utilize YouTube Live for viewers.
All other non-essential volunteer and committee board meetings have been canceled. This includes the Charter Review Committee, Board of Adjustment, Architecture Review Board, Pension Board, Tourism Development Advisory Council, and South Santa Rosa Utility System Board, among others.
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #5 – Tuesday Mar. 17
Information on City Services, Recreation, and Emergency Management
“The City will continue to provide basic essential services, and temporarily halt recreation programs and publicly-permitted events, until further notice. In addition, the City is coordinating with our Interfaith Disaster Recovery Council, comprised of Gulf Breeze faith-based organizations, in order to re-deploy personnel for the delivery of meals and prescriptions to our vulnerable population.” – Gulf Breeze Mayor Cherry Fitch
“We encourage our residents to subscribe to the City’s Nixel alerts via cell phone, check official city social media, and subscribe to our e-news blast.”
Updates are highlighted.
State of Florida
As of Tues., Mar. 17, the governor of Florida issued Executive Order 20-68 stating essentially:
- Bars, pubs and nightclubs suspend sale of alcohol for 30 days effective at 5 p.m. today, Mar. 17.
- Visitors to public beaches limit gatherings to 10 or less and distances themselves from other parties by six feet.
- Restaurants should limit seating to 50% capacity, seated parties to 10 or less, and distance parties by six feet. Restaurants should prohibit employees from entering the establishment if they meet the criteria for COVID-19. Pickup and delivery services are permitted.
- This is a summary of the order, please see Executive Order 20-68 for full details.
Santa Rosa County
Based upon the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended mitigation activities, and guidance received from the governor; Santa Rosa County is cancelling all publicly-permitted events in county facilities until further notice.
- Santa Rosa County remains in Phase 1, or the “None to Minimal” (monitoring and preparedness) phase of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Mitigation Strategy for Florida.
- The Santa Rosa County Emergency Operations Center is operating at a Level 2, or partial activation, with ESFs 8 (health and medical) and 14 (public information) activated.
- As noon today (Tues., Mar. 17), Santa Rosa County has had one case and no community spread.
- Health information, including locations of cases (whether active or not), is protected under HIPAA privacy rule.
- As part of the county’s pandemic plan, emergency dispatchers are screening callers for recent travel history and symptoms, and fire, law enforcement and EMS responders have appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
City of Gulf Breeze
- Continuity of Gulf Breeze city services is a primary objective of the city’s Pandemic Plan, which is currently operating at a Level III monitoring and preparation status.
- The community center on Shoreline Drive closed to recreation activities effective 5 PM Monday, March 16th. Outdoor recreation facilities remain open. All public restroom facilities remain open with heightened disinfection in place.
- The community center on Shoreline Drive will be open as a polling location on Tuesday, March 17th, for the Presidential Preference Primary Election.
- The City Hall will remain open for essential business and public meetings, including the City Council meeting scheduled for tonight, Monday, March 16th. There will be spatial seating.
- Water, sewer and natural gas connections and cut-offs will continue. Planning and permitting will continue.
- The transfer station will maintain normal hours.
- Waste management pick up is uninterrupted.
To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the City of Gulf Breeze is recommending the following measures:
- The City of Gulf Breeze, South Santa Rosa Utilities, and Gulf Breeze Natural Gas encourage customers to pay utility bills online if possible. The lobby at City Hall will remain open during normal business hours (Monday through Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm) for payments and to take customer calls. Information about online payments can be found at under the Helpful Links heading. Please call 850-934-5100 for more information.
- Additionally, citizens or businesses seeking permits, development applications, business tax forms are also encouraged to apply online at For more information, please call the City of Gulf Breeze Community Services Department at 850-934-5109.
- Visitors to public beaches limit gatherings to 10 or less and distances themselves from other parties by six feet.
- Restaurants should limit seating to 50% capacity, seated parties to 10 or less, and distance parties by six feet. Restaurants should prohibit employees from entering the establishment if they meet the criteria for COVID-19. Pickup and delivery services are permitted.
- Gulf Breeze remains in the “None to Minimal” (monitoring and preparedness) phase of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Mitigation Strategy for Florida.
- As of Monday, March 16th, Santa Rosa County has had one case, over two weeks ago, and no community spread to caregivers or the community, due to protocols undertaken.
- The one positive case was not a resident of the Gulf Breeze area. Health information, including locations of cases (whether active or not), is protected under HIPAA privacy rule.
- The City of Gulf Breeze Pandemic Plan is coordinated with Santa Rosa County. The City is in frequent contact with county and state health officials.
- As part of the City’s pandemic plan, emergency dispatchers are screening callers for recent travel history and symptoms, and fire and EMS responders have appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Gulf Breeze Police and Fire will not actively participate in medical 911 calls, so as to deter contamination to public safety personnel.
City of Gulf Breeze
The City of Gulf Breeze continues to stay in daily contact with health officials at the Florida Department of Health, Santa Rosa County Emergency Management and local service providers in regard to public health concerns related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Level III Pandemic Policies (currently activated) include the following:
- Fire/medic personnel utilize appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.
- Gulf Breeze Police and Fire will not actively participate in medical 911 calls, so as to deter contamination to public safety personnel.
- All employees have been provided proper sanitizers at work stations and in vehicles.
- For any employee who self-quarantines due to illness or contact with a positive case, the City has emergency pandemic policies which will be utilized on an individual basis.
- City Hall will utilize spacial seating for all public meetings.
- The Gulf Breeze Community Center will be closed to recreation activities.
- The Gulf Breeze Community Center will not provide a special day camp for children during school closures. Though we are proud of our city’s history to provide day camps immediately following severe storm events, the pandemic plan requires the city to follow the recommendations of health officials. Therefore, relocating large groups from schools to the community center is not advisable.
- The City of Gulf Breeze Pandemic Policies in the City Emergency Plan will be followed if needed, to ensure continuity of city services.
- Any public permits will not be considered before the end of March. Two publicly permitted events in March have voluntarily canceled: The annual Quarterback Carnival and the Gulf Breeze Arts Festival. Gumbo Fest is rescheduled to Sat., May 2. Spring Fest is still tentatively scheduled for April 18.
- Subscribe to the City’s e-news via email at:
Santa Rosa County School District
By order of Governor De Santis, schools are closed March 23rd through March 27th and all extracurricular activities including athletics are canceled beginning March 14th for two weeks. The District is in regular communication with the Santa Rosa County Health Department for guidance in both prevention and intervention measures and will continue to respond to their lead and guidance on all matters impacting the health and safety of students, staff, parents, and community members.
Effective March 13, 2020 International Travel Advisory Current FDOH and FDOE guidelines for travel state:
- Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who goes on foreign travel, to any country, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
- Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who goes on a cruise, anywhere, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
Florida Department of Health
The Florida Department of Health is strongly urging attendees of mass gatherings not to attend if they:
- are a contact to a known or suspected case of COVID-19.
- are over the age of 65 with underlying health conditions.
- are immune compromised.
- are ill.
- have been exposed to someone with a respiratory illness in the last 14 days.
- have chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or lung disease.
- have traveled internationally within the last 14 days, especially to destinations under a level 3 travel advisory.
- have traveled to or from a geographic area with widespread community transmission of COVID-19.
COVID-19 can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, including when an individual coughs or sneezes. These droplets may land on objects and surfaces. Other people may contract COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
Symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as many as 14 days following exposure. Most people recover from COVID-19 without needing special treatment. The elderly and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes are more likely to develop serious illness.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus and use everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of respiratory diseases.
At Home
- Continue to practice good hand washing. Cover coughs and sneezes. Stay home from work if you are sick and keep children home from school when sick.
- Remind family members not to touch their faces.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, tables and handrails.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Treat vulnerable family members, such as those over the age of 65 or with chronic medical conditions, as though others are a threat to them. Practice good hygiene when caring for them. If they are sick, provide them with their own room, and keep the door closed.
At Work
- Good hand hygiene is as important at work as it is at home. Encourage employees to clean hands at the door and send email reminders to clean hands throughout the day.
- Stop shaking hands. Use other, non-contact methods of greeting customers and coworkers.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Consider videoconferencing for meetings whenever possible. When not possible, hold meetings in open, well-ventilated spaces.
- Assess the risks of business travel.
- Handle food carefully and limit food sharing.
- Ensure cafeteria staff and their close contacts practice strict hygiene.
- Allow employees to stay home if they are sick or have a sick family member.
- Stop shaking hands. Use non-contact methods of greeting.
- Clean hands at the door and send employees email reminders to clean hands throughout the day.
- Promote tap and pay to limit handling of cash.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Avoid crowding by booking appointments to stagger customer flow.
The CDC does not recommend that asymptomatic, healthy people wear a face mask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Face masks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face masks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
A person that experiences a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, within 14 days after travel from any destination under the recently updated CDC travel advisory should call ahead to their health care provider and local CHD and mention their recent travel or close contact.
If a person has had close contact with someone showing these symptoms who has recently traveled from this area or been in contact with a person with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, they should call ahead to a health care professional and the county health department. The health care provider will work with the Florida DOH to determine if the person should be tested for COVID-19.
For the most up-to-date information, monitor the Florida DOH’s COVID-19 webpage, call COVID-19 24/7 Call Center, (866) 779-6121 or email [email protected].
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #4 – Monday Mar. 16
Information on City Services, Recreation, and Emergency Management
“Today the City of Gulf Breeze is implementing the next stage of its pandemic preparedness plan, in coordination with Santa Rosa County and at the guidance of state health officials. The City will continue to provide basic essential services, and temporarily halt recreation programs until the end of the month, when we will re-assess.” – Gulf Breeze Mayor Cherry Fitch
“We encourage our residents to subscribe to the City’s Nixel alerts via cell phone, check official city social media, and subscribe to our e-news blast.”
As of today, March 16th, Gulf Breeze will only publicly-permit small recreation activities, for example those with anticipated participation of small gatherings as recommended by the CDC, before the end of March. This action is taken out of an abundance of caution to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect vulnerable members of our community, at the latest recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control. This only applies to events that are permitted through the city and does not include schools, churches or other private events. Event organizers are encouraged to use their discretion, limit the size of gatherings, and follow the directions of officials from the Florida Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine if event cancellations are necessary. This step will be reassessed in two weeks for continuation or to lift the cancellation of publicly-permitted events.
- Continuity of city services is a primary objective of the city’s pandemic plan, which is currently operating at a level III monitoring and preparation status.
- The community center on Shoreline Drive will close to recreation activities effective 5 PM Monday, March 16th. Outdoor recreation facilities remain open. All public restroom facilities remain open with heightened disinfection in place.
- The community center on Shoreline Drive will be open as a polling location on Tuesday, March 17th, for the Presidential Preference Primary Election.
- The City Hall will remain open for essential business and public meetings, including the City Council meeting scheduled for tonight, Monday, March 16th. There will be spatial seating.
- Water, sewer and natural gas connections and cut-offs will continue. Planning and permitting will continue.
- The transfer station will maintain normal hours.
- Waste management pick up is uninterrupted.
To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the City of Gulf Breeze is recommending the following measures:
- The City of Gulf Breeze, South Santa Rosa Utilities, and Gulf Breeze Natural Gas encourage customers to pay utility bills online if possible. The lobby at City Hall will remain open during normal business hours (Monday through Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm) for payments and to take customer calls. Information about online payments can be found at under the Helpful Links heading. Please call 850-934-5100 for more information.
- Additionally, citizens or businesses seeking permits, development applications, business tax forms are also encouraged to apply online at For more information, please call the City of Gulf Breeze Community Services Department at 850-934-5109.
- Gulf Breeze remains in the “None to Minimal” (monitoring and preparedness) phase of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Mitigation Strategy for Florida.
- As of Monday, March 16th, Santa Rosa County has had one case, over two weeks ago, and no community spread to caregivers or the community, due to protocols undertaken.
- The one positive case was not a resident of the Gulf Breeze area. Health information, including locations of cases (whether active or not), is protected under HIPAA privacy rule.
- The City of Gulf Breeze Pandemic Plan is coordinated with Santa Rosa County. The City is in frequent contact with county and state health officials.
- As part of the City’s pandemic plan, emergency dispatchers are screening callers for recent travel history and symptoms, and fire and EMS responders have appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Gulf Breeze Police will not actively participate in medical 911 calls, so as to deter contamination to public safety personnel.
City of Gulf Breeze
The City of Gulf Breeze continues to stay in daily contact with health officials at the Florida Department of Health, Santa Rosa County Emergency Management and local service providers in regard to public health concerns related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Level III Pandemic Policies (currently activated) include the following:
- Fire/medic personnel utilize appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.
- Gulf Breeze Police will not actively participate in medical 911 calls, so as to deter contamination to public safety personnel.
- All employees have been provided proper sanitizers at work stations and in vehicles.
- For any employee who self-quarantines due to illness or contact with a positive case, the City has emergency pandemic policies which will be utilized on an individual basis.
- City Hall will utilize spacial seating for all public meetings.
- The Gulf Breeze Community Center will be closed to recreation activities.
- The Gulf Breeze Community Center will not provide a special day camp for children during school closures. Though we are proud of our city’s history to provide day camps immediately following severe storm events, the pandemic plan requires the city to follow the recommendations of health officials. Therefore, relocating large groups from schools to the community center is not advisable.
- The City of Gulf Breeze Pandemic Policies in the City Emergency Plan will be followed if needed, to ensure continuity of city services.
- Any public permits for events over small gatherings as recommended by the CDC will not be considered before the end of March. Two publicly permitted events in March have voluntarily canceled: The annual Quarterback Carnival and the Gulf Breeze Arts Festival. Gumbo Fest is rescheduled to Sat., May 2. Spring Fest is still tentatively scheduled for April 18.
- Subscribe to the City’s e-news via email at:
Santa Rosa County School District
By recommendation of Governor De Santis, schools are closed March 23rd through March 27th and all extracurricular activities including athletics are canceled beginning March 14th for two weeks. The District is in regular communication with the Santa Rosa County Health Department for guidance in both prevention and intervention measures and will continue to respond to their lead and guidance on all matters impacting the health and safety of students, staff, parents, and community members.
Effective March 13, 2020 International Travel Advisory Current FDOH and FDOE guidelines for travel state:
- Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who goes on foreign travel, to any country, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
- Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who goes on a cruise, anywhere, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
Florida Department of Health
The Florida Department of Health is strongly urging attendees of mass gatherings not to attend if they:
- are a contact to a known or suspected case of COVID-19.
- are over the age of 65 with underlying health conditions.
- are immune compromised.
- are ill.
- have been exposed to someone with a respiratory illness in the last 14 days.
- have chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or lung disease.
- have traveled internationally within the last 14 days, especially to destinations under a level 3 travel advisory.
- have traveled to or from a geographic area with widespread community transmission of COVID-19.
COVID-19 can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, including when an individual coughs or sneezes. These droplets may land on objects and surfaces. Other people may contract COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
Symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as many as 14 days following exposure. Most people recover from COVID-19 without needing special treatment. The elderly and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes are more likely to develop serious illness.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus and use everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of respiratory diseases.
At Home
- Continue to practice good hand washing. Cover coughs and sneezes. Stay home from work if you are sick and keep children home from school when sick.
- Remind family members not to touch their faces.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, tables and handrails.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Treat vulnerable family members, such as those over the age of 65 or with chronic medical conditions, as though others are a threat to them. Practice good hygiene when caring for them. If they are sick, provide them with their own room, and keep the door closed.
At Work
- Good hand hygiene is as important at work as it is at home. Encourage employees to clean hands at the door and send email reminders to clean hands throughout the day.
- Stop shaking hands. Use other, non-contact methods of greeting customers and coworkers.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Consider videoconferencing for meetings whenever possible. When not possible, hold meetings in open, well-ventilated spaces.
- Assess the risks of business travel.
- Handle food carefully and limit food sharing.
- Ensure cafeteria staff and their close contacts practice strict hygiene.
- Allow employees to stay home if they are sick or have a sick family member.
- Stop shaking hands. Use non-contact methods of greeting.
- Clean hands at the door and send employees email reminders to clean hands throughout the day.
- Promote tap and pay to limit the handling of cash.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Open windows or adjust the air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Avoid crowding by booking appointments to stagger customer flow.
The CDC does not recommend that asymptomatic, healthy people wear a face mask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Face masks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face masks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
A person that experiences a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, within 14 days after travel from any destination under the recently updated CDC travel advisory should call ahead to their health care provider and local CHD and mention their recent travel or close contact.
If a person has had close contact with someone showing these symptoms who has recently traveled from this area or been in contact with a person with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, they should call ahead to a health care professional and the county health department. The health care provider will work with the Florida DOH to determine if the person should be tested for COVID-19.
For the most up-to-date information, monitor the Florida DOH’s COVID-19 webpage, call COVID-19 24/7 Call Center, (866) 779-6121 or email [email protected]
Gulf Breeze Emergency Management
COVID-19 Update #3 – Mar. 14
Information on City Services, Recreation, and Emergency Management
“The Gulf Breeze City Council adopted a new emergency response plan last October in close coordination with our area hospitals, health officials, schools and emergency response agencies. Each of these entities reviewed city response protocols and provided input. Earlier this month, the City Council reviewed its first revision to the plan, for pandemic response. Citizens can rest assured that Gulf Breeze is plugged in and engaged with the constantly evolving pandemic data and making adjustments as needed. The City is in the preparedness phase of our pandemic plan in coordination with Santa Rosa County Emergency Management and the Santa Rosa County Health Department,” said Gulf Breeze Mayor Cherry Fitch.
“We encourage our residents to subscribe to the City’s Nixel alerts via cell phone, check official city social media, and subscribe to our e-news blast.”
Based upon CDC recommended mitigation activities and general guidance received from the governor; Gulf Breeze will not consider publicly-permitted events with anticipated participation of 500 or more people, before the end of March. This action is taken out of an abundance of caution to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect vulnerable members of our community. This only applies to events that are permitted through the city and does not include schools, churches or other private events. Event organizers are encouraged to use their discretion and follow the directions of officials from the Florida Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine if event cancellations are necessary. This step will be reassessed in two weeks for continuation or to lift the cancellation of publicly-permitted events.
- Gulf Breeze remains in the “None to Minimal” (monitoring and preparedness) phase of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Mitigation Strategy for Florida.
- As of this morning (Saturday, Mar. 14), Santa Rosa County has had one case and no community spread.
- Fourteen days ago (14) Gulf Breeze hospital treated the one positive case and transported the patient to Escambia’s Baptist hospital. There has been no spread to caregivers or the community, due to protocols undertaken.
- The one positive case was not a resident of the Gulf Breeze area. Health information, including locations of cases (whether active or not), is protected under HIPAA privacy rule.
- The City of Gulf Breeze Pandemic Plan is coordinated with Santa Rosa County. The City is in frequent contact with county and state health officials.
- Continuity of city services is a primary objective of the city’s pandemic plan, which is currently operating at a level III monitoring and preparation status.
- As part of the City’s pandemic plan, emergency dispatchers are screening callers for recent travel history and symptoms, and fire and EMS responders have appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Gulf Breeze Police will not actively participate in medical 911 calls, so as to deter contamination to public safety personnel.
City of Gulf Breeze
The City of Gulf Breeze continues to stay in daily contact with health officials at the Florida Department of Health, Santa Rosa County Emergency Management and local service providers in regard to public health concerns related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Level III Pandemic Policies (currently activated) include the following:
- Fire/medic personnel utilize appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.
- Gulf Breeze Police will not actively participate in medical 911 calls, so as to deter contamination to public safety personnel.
- All employees have been provided proper sanitizers at work stations and in vehicles.
- For any employee who self-quarantines due to illness or contact with a positive case, the City has emergency pandemic policies which will be utilized on an individual basis.
- City Hall will utilize spacial seating for all public meetings.
- The Gulf Breeze Community Center will continue all normal activities. Gulf Breeze Sports Association (GBSA) will continue all normal practices and games. No large tournaments will be approved before the end of the month.
- The Gulf Breeze Community Center will not provide a special day camp for children during school closures. Though we are proud of our city’s history to provide day camps immediately following severe storm events, the pandemic plan requires the city to follow the recommendations of health officials. Therefore, relocating large groups from schools to the community center is not advisable.
- The City of Gulf Breeze Pandemic Policies in the City Emergency Plan will be followed if needed, to ensure continuity of city services.
- Any public permits for events over 500 will not be considered before the end of March. Two publicly permitted events in March have voluntarily canceled: The annual Quarterback Carnival and the Gulf Breeze Arts Festival. Gumbo Fest is rescheduled to Sat., May 2. Spring Fest is still tentatively scheduled for April 18.
- Subscribe to the City’s e-news via email at:
Santa Rosa County School District
By order of Governor De Santis, schools are closed March 23rd through March 27th and all extracurricular activities including athletics are canceled beginning March 14th for two weeks. The District is in regular communication with the Santa Rosa County Health Department for guidance in both prevention and intervention measures and will continue to respond to their lead and guidance on all matters impacting the health and safety of students, staff, parents, and community members.
Effective March 13, 2020 International Travel Advisory Current FDOH and FDOE guidelines for travel state:
- Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who goes on foreign travel, to any country, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
- Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who goes on a cruise, anywhere, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
Florida Department of Health
The Florida Department of Health is strongly urging attendees of mass gatherings not to attend if they:
- are a contact to a known or suspected case of COVID-19.
- are over the age of 65 with underlying health conditions.
- are immune compromised.
- are ill.
- have been exposed to someone with a respiratory illness in the last 14 days.
- have chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or lung disease.
- have traveled internationally within the last 14 days, especially to destinations under a level 3 travel advisory.
- have traveled to or from a geographic area with widespread community transmission of COVID-19.
COVID-19 can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, including when an individual coughs or sneezes. These droplets may land on objects and surfaces. Other people may contract COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
Symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as many as 14 days following exposure. Most people recover from COVID-19 without needing special treatment. The elderly and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes are more likely to develop serious illness.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus and use everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of respiratory diseases.
At Home
- Continue to practice good hand washing. Cover coughs and sneezes. Stay home from work if you are sick and keep children home from school when sick.
- Remind family members not to touch their faces.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, tables and handrails.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Treat vulnerable family members, such as those over the age of 65 or with chronic medical conditions, as though others are a threat to them. Practice good hygiene when caring for them. If they are sick, provide them with their own room, and keep the door closed.
At Work
- Good hand hygiene is as important at work as it is at home. Encourage employees to clean hands at the door and send email reminders to clean hands throughout the day.
- Stop shaking hands. Use other, non-contact methods of greeting customers and coworkers.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Consider videoconferencing for meetings whenever possible. When not possible, hold meetings in open, well-ventilated spaces.
- Assess the risks of business travel.
- Handle food carefully and limit food sharing.
- Ensure cafeteria staff and their close contacts practice strict hygiene.
- Allow employees to stay home if they are sick or have a sick family member.
- Stop shaking hands. Use non-contact methods of greeting.
- Clean hands at the door and send employees email reminders to clean hands throughout the day.
- Promote tap and pay to limit handling of cash.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to increase ventilation.
- Avoid crowding by booking appointments to stagger customer flow.
The CDC does not recommend that asymptomatic, healthy people wear a face mask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Face masks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face masks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
A person that experiences a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, within 14 days after travel from any destination under the recently updated CDC travel advisory should call ahead to their health care provider and local CHD and mention their recent travel or close contact.
If a person has had close contact with someone showing these symptoms who has recently traveled from this area or been in contact with a person with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, they should call ahead to a health care professional and the county health department. The health care provider will work with the Florida DOH to determine if the person should be tested for COVID-19.
For the most up-to-date information, monitor the Florida DOH’s COVID-19 webpage, call COVID-19 24/7 Call Center, (866) 779-6121 or email [email protected].